Company Users

All collections/Global Payroll /

Company Users

What is Global Payroll? Payroll FilesPayroll CyclesEmployee access to payslipsAdding new employeesOff-cycle salary changesExpenses ManagementCompany UsersReporting a Leaver Salary ChangesCompany Employee'sHRIS Integrations Onboarding

Company Users

  • To locate the company users click on "Settings" then "Users".

  • Click the "Invite User" button to add a new team member. Here, you can enter the member's details and assign the appropriate permissions. Once you click "Send Invite," the user will be granted access to Lano.

The Organisation

The Settings page in Lano gives access to all active entities, providing a quick overview and allowing updates.

  • By selecting "Settings" and 'Organization" all active projects will be displayed.

  • To edit entity details, select an entity. The Address and Billing information can be updated by clicking the blue pencil icon.
    Make sure to click save before exiting the widow.

Roles and Permissions

  • Admin has all permissions

  • First admin = person setting up Lano

  • Minimum 1 admin on the account

  • Admin can add and remove roles for employee (use company settings in general)

  • Admin receives all notifications on his department (can choose not to)

Manager (e. g. HR department, Sr. Product manager, etc)
  • Managing hiring process

  • Can initiate new hire

  • Can add company users

  • Can perform actions on team members index & profile

  • Can view invoice information (on index level)

  • Receives notifications on hiring processes & current updates on team members (non-financial)

  • Can view and execute actions on Invoice index & details, Payroll

  • Can view team member index & profile

  • Can view hires & hire details

  • Receives notifications on finance (invoices, payroll)

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