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Verified Partner since 2021
4.7rating on Capterra

Hire contractors

Hire, onboard and pay international contractors. Compliant local contracts, documents and smooth payments around the globe.

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Unlocking global growth for 2,000+ companies

Be compliant by default

Build a flexible dream team and stay compliant in countries all over the world. Use our localized contracts to protect your business from any risks and unnecessary costs.

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Send global payments in a single click

Easily manage invoices and payouts to your contractors. Send international payments in 28 currencies with a single click and with competitive exchange rates.

Provide a great team experience

We ensure that every team member has the best possible experience. Your contractors get a free invoicing tool, a digital wallet to manage multi-currency payments, and a lot more.

Used by teams across the whole world,
different industries and roles

HR & People OPS

Get freelance specialists on board whenever your team needs them. Create, send, and sign contracts that are fully compliant with local laws.

Finance & Legal

Don’t worry about local laws or tax requirements. With Lano, you can streamline onboarding, compliance, invoicing, and payments.

Startups & Scaleups

Stay flexible and engage with the best contractors no matter where they are. Put compliance and payments on autopilot.

“Without Lano we would not have been able to be that quick in our international expansion.”

Alice Perraut

HR Business Partner

Case study


Hours saved per employee during onboarding


Countries where full-time employees are located

“After evaluating several alternatives that operate their own entities, we chose Lano for their local partner network and expertise with compliance and payments.”

Gargi Mahapatra

People & Culture Lead


Hours saved per new employee due to compliance and regulations


Countries where Hygraph employees are located & managed with Lano

“With Lano, we know exactly what our cost is going to be. I would say Lano has saved us potentially hundreds of thousands of Dollars.”

Bharat Siyani

VP of People


Less Admin Workload


Employees Hired via Lano






supported countries


available currencies

Unlock global growth

Expand into new markets and get payroll up and running in days, not months. We connect you with experienced payroll partners in 170+ countries so you can fully focus on growing your business.

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Hire and pay contractors anywhere

With our Contractor Management System, you will manage onboarding, compliance, invoicing, and payments with ease so you can fully focus on the growth of your business.

Learn more

Hire contractors from all over the world

Offer free tools to create invoices and timesheets

Easily convert contractors to full-time employees

Ensure your team gets paid on time in 28 currencies

Stay compliant with localized contracts

Provide your team with a great experience

Launch new markets at high speed, with no risk

Allow your team members to work from everywhere

Common questions

Which currencies does Lano support?

How can I pay freelancers and contractors with Lano?

How does Lano ensure compliance for hiring freelancers and contractors?

In which countries is Lano available?

What other solutions does Lano offer?

Lano is your trusted resource for
Global Payroll and Employment

cost calculator

Determine the cost of hiring remote employees around the globe.

Get professional advice and tips on hiring remote talent and scaling businesses globally. Join over 50 000 subscribers now.

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Lano can do for you?

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© Lano Software GmbH 2024