Checking Payroll Reports Data

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Checking Payroll reports data

What is Global Payroll?Employee access to payslipsAuditing Payroll DataChecking Payroll reports dataExporting and Approving Cycle ReportEdit and Add Salary ChangesSwitching Employee StatusExport Employee DataEdit Employee ProfileAdd Payroll Employees in BulkAdd Payroll Employees Individually

Find out how to check your Payroll Reports Data

You can view your payroll reports data by following these steps below:

  • Go to Payroll

  • Payroll Cycles

  • Select the relevant Payroll Cycle

  • Then select the Payroll Reports tab.

Please keep in mind, you will only see your payroll reports once the salary calculations are completed.
In this page you can see an abundance of information, from Payroll Files to Net Pay Data & Payroll Summary.

Firstly, you will see Payroll Files at the top. To export your Payroll Files, simply select the download icon on each relevant file. This will initiate a download of an Excel document containing the necessary data which you can view and use.

Further down, you will see Net Pay Data, here you will see information regarding each employee and their payslips, as well as net salary and the status of the payment.

There are three different payment statuses you need to be aware of, being: Pending/ Payment Processing & Paid. For a more detailed view, you can also download the Net Pay Data, to do this just press the "Export" button.

Near the bottom of the page, you will find "Payroll Summary", which will show you a useful breakdown of information for each employee included in this Payroll Cycle. Remember, you can also download this data by selecting the "Export" button. 

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