Global Employment

How Ironhack uses Lano to manage and pay global talent

Learn how Ironhack uses Lano to employ team members for their international software development and design bootcamps.

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Datos de las nóminas de todas las sucursales en una sola plataforma


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Having one platform to onboard, manage and pay our remote employees made our talent strategy effective.

Adrià Baqués

VP of Operations

About Ironhack

Founded in 2013 in Madrid, Ironhack is a globally acclaimed Tech School that has been the starting point for many of today’s top engineering talent. They are known for their high-quality boot camps which give aspiring developers the ability to learn new skills or make a shift in their career towards tech, specialising in Web Software Development, UX/UI Design, Data Analytics, and Cybersecurity.

With eight campuses worldwide, aspiring tech enthusiasts have the opportunity to live and work in some of the most thriving tech cities. With the world shifting more towards a remote approach to content and work, Ironhack viewed this as a prime opportunity to adapt their model. They aimed to become remote-first and create remote teams in countries where they previously didn’t have a presence.

El desafío

Simplificar y estandarizar la gestión de nóminas en 20 países

Con empleados repartidos por 20 países diferentes, nuestro cliente cuenta con proveedores de servicios en el país para gestionar sus nóminas, lo que les libera de la carga de procesamiento y cumplimiento. Sin embargo, tener un proveedor diferente para cada país es un gran reto para sus equipos centrales de nóminas y finanzas. Reciben los datos de las nóminas de cada país, pero los formatos son totalmente diferentes y los factores de coste y los sueldos que figuran para cada zona geográfica difieren de un proveedor a otro. Comparar los costes de las nóminas de diferentes lugares es casi imposible. 

Además, cada vez que el equipo de nóminas necesita elaborar un informe sobre sus operaciones de nóminas a nivel mundial, se necesita mucho tiempo y esfuerzo para reunir manualmente los datos necesarios. En más de una ocasión, esta recopilación manual de datos ha dado lugar a errores en los informes que sólo se descubrieron meses después, cuando ya era demasiado tarde. Para la empresa de ingeniería, la falta de datos transparentes y fiables sobre las nóminas es un problema importante, ya que les impide acceder a un recurso valioso para tomar decisiones empresariales fundadas.


Validate new approaches with a global employment solution

With Lano, Ironhack quickly hires and onboards new employees to help realize their goals of growing globally. In addition to having a simple platform where teams can manage the hiring and onboarding of new employees, Lano offers a straightforward way to make payments to foreign employees, without ever leaving the Lano platform. 

The transition to using Lano was a smooth one. Ironhack had several candidates in mind that they wanted to hire who were based in the United Kingdom and Italy. After finding these candidates, Ironhack initiated the official hiring process with Lano. The team received a cost breakdown of how much it would cost to hire these employees within 48 hours. Working with their dedicated Lano Account Manager, it was easy to onboard these new employees within 2 weeks of the initial offer. 

By paying employees and managing salaries of all foreign employees with Lano, Ironhack simplified the processes related foreign employees to within a single platform. This ensures workflows are straightforward and removes the need for manual work. The Lano Wallet enables Ironhack to make payments with competitive foreign exchange rates, keeping their costs lower than many traditional banks.

Lano is transparent about the fees and prices and the rate that is shown at the time of payment is what will be charged to your account. Clarity on pricing, in tandem with the low foreign exchange rates, makes using the Lano Wallet a for payments to their foreign employees a clear choice. The overall transparency around prices and processes gave Ironhack peace of mind that Lano was the best choice to help build their global employment strategy.


Onboard new employees within 2 weeks using Lano

With Lano, Ironhack hired employees internationally quickly and efficiently without opening entities or getting caught up in complex compliance processes. This enabled the team to have access to new, global talent pools and validate whether or not these two new approaches of creating a remote offering and moving the team to remote-first were feasible for their model. In addition to hiring, Lano helps simplify the processes around payroll and payments in a single platform. This level of flexibility is key for Ironhack to match the current trends in work but also to attract the highest quality talent no matter where they are. 

All testimonials, reviews, opinions or case studies presented on our website may not be indicative of all customers. Results may vary and customers agree to proceed at their own risk.

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