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Lano podcast: The State Of Work

We speak to entrepreneurs, business leaders and freelancers who’ve embraced a remote working culture, discover the best practices for remote working, and invite listeners to insightful conversations about the future of work.

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Expert Talks
#49 - How to create meaningful relationships in remote teams

with Kimberly Breuer, Co-Founder at Likeminded



The State Of Work aims to help people find their place in a changing world of work

2020 was the year remote working went mainstream. For businesses, this meant navigating the shift to a remote or hybrid work model. Entrepreneurs scrambled to build a remote-first approach from scratch, and digital nomads all over the world found many of their planes grounded. For many workers, the boundaries between home and work lives have blurred.

Ready to rethink your 9-5? Welcome to The State Of Work.

Meet your host and producer

Sandra Redlich is a freelance marketing consultant, copywriter, translator, and project manager. She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism and corporate communications and has worked for international media companies before becoming a freelancer and podcast host.

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Learn how people are thriving in a changing world of work

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