Auditing Payroll Data

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Auditing Payroll Data

What is Global Payroll?Employee access to payslipsAuditing Payroll DataChecking Payroll reports dataExporting and Approving Cycle ReportEdit and Add Salary ChangesSwitching Employee StatusExport Employee DataEdit Employee ProfileAdd Payroll Employees in BulkAdd Payroll Employees Individually

Learn how to Audit your Payroll Data

The Lano platform also offers you the ability to audit your payroll data. To navigate to the Audit tab, please follow the steps below:

  • Select “Payroll” on the left 

  • Then “Payroll Cycles” 

  • Now select the relevant Pay Period

  • You should now be able to select the “Audit” tab 

In the Audit tab you will see useful information such as number of payslips vs number of employees. This checks that each employee in this cycle has at least 1 Payslip. Sometimes there might be cases where more than one Payslip per employee is normal, so if you see an alert and want to know more you can contact the Lano Customer Success team, who will be happy to answer any questions. 

You can also see the gross to net data vs the number of employees. This checks that your Payroll provider has returned all the totals for each employee that we expected them to, based on the employee data you have in your cycle.

Below, you will see some more useful charts that outline this month's cycle vs the previous cycle. These charts are great for keeping track of Payslips, Net Pay and Total Gross.

If you’d like more information on Payroll don’t forget to check out our other Help Centre articles.

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